🔊Voice Channel

We have created this new functionality for operations in Foxhole.

The idea is simple, often on discord we have many voice channels. You can create a text channel and create a list of voice channels (infantry, tank, partisan, logistics, etc.) and when you need a channel you click on it and it will be automatically created. And when you all leave this channel, it will automatically be deleted.

1. Installation

In the written channel that you just created, type the following command and follow the instructions that follow.

The home channel is the voice channel that will be duplicated by WILO, so it keeps the discord permissions you gave it. Make sure you have set up this voice channel before configuring WILO.

2.Create a list of your channels

/config channel-creator add message-id:[ID] channel:[Home VC] label:[NAME] description:[description] emoji:[emoji]

The ID of the message that WILO has just created (screen just above). So you can create several voice channel lists on your discord, you just have to use the ID of my message.

channel:[Home VC] 

You will have a list of all your voice channels here, select the one you want to call home.


The label is the name you will give to your channel when it is created. You can see some examples just below. But if you want to create an infantry channel, write infantry, etc...


Here you can give a short description in a few words of what you do in this voice. It will be written in the list afterwards.


You can put an emoji, it will be displayed in the list. It's easier to differentiate when you create a lot of them.

If for any reasons you have deleted a home VC, you may entirely remove the whole bot message and start back again. You can't delete an entry with "/config channel-creator remove" from a removed home VC due to the fact that the bot can't correlate the entry with the missing channel-id written from the bot perspective.

This should be updated to mitigate that later.

Last updated