
You can create ToDoLists for crafting or whatever you want for your members. We've given you a few examples to give you ideas. You can create a text channel exclusively for your future To-Do Lists.

You can always do this command.

/todolist help 

1. "Create your own ToDoLists

/todolist create 

The /todolist create command allows you to write list of completable entries. All these entries will be represented by an emoji and an associated action button added at the end of the message. Button that can be used to mark as entry as completed (and strikes it in the original message).

This is an example of todolist: If you wish to create an entry that can be completed, then all you need to do is to prefix the corresponding line by any string followed the character Then this string will be automatically replaced by a letter emojiand the coresponding action added to the message. It is also possible to write multi lines entries (multiple lines that will be completed together. To do that, the second (and following lines have to be prefixed by the too by whithout any string preceding it. You can also insert any text anywhere between entries. As long as the line is not prefixed by the character, then no list entry will be created. Attaching an image: When using the /todolist create command you can upload an image that will be displayed at the end of message. In the form, you can also specify manually the URL of the image if you wish to use an image already hosted somewhere.

Example: A・[CRAFT 1] B・[CRAFT 2] [Your text] C・[CRAFT 3] D・[Move to 1] D・[Move to 2]

There are 26 letters in the alphabet, but discord only allows 25 reactions. So you can only make 25 lines on your todolist. But you can always make more than one.

2. Here are some examples of what we do for our members.

In the future this functionality will be integrated with an OCR, and an online interface.

Last updated