3ī¸âƒŖDelete a stockpile

Only officers can issue the command to delete stockpiles.

There are several steps to remove a stockpile. The first step flags the stockpile to signify to everyone that it no longer exists. The second step permanently deletes the stockpile.

1. First step to delete a stockpile.

/stockpiles remove 

Be careful, after completing this command, you won't be able to undo it. Don't make any mistakes or you will have to add the stockpile again.



Letter that defines the stockpile (A/B/C/...)




The code associated with the stockpile you wish to delete.


The name you gave the stockpile


The group you want to delete.

2. Now that several or a certain number of stockpiles have already been barred, you can leave them for several days to signify that this stockpile no longer exists. But you can immediately and entirely delete the barred lines.

/stockpiles cleanup group:[GROUP NAME]

This command will delete all the stockpiles that are marked as deleted.


Last updated