
Keep following the instructions carefully.

First, make sure you have a designated area for moderators and administrators on your discord so that WILO can send messages safely.

  1. Once all these steps have been completed go to the text channel, and enter the following command.

/wilo create-room invite:

Make sure to set an infinite invitation link to your discord that you will not delete in the future.

  1. Once you have sent the command, the bot will take a moment to process. Give it time to validate what you have asked for. At the end of this interval, a link will be provided to you, and visit it for the next steps.

  2. You should arrive on this page. If not, check the note just above. From there, you need to configure the roles on your server to the roles that WILO recognizes as rights in your room. Follow the list just above.

WILO and all its services are linked to your Discord account. It may be that your Discord account has rights to another "room" such as the WUH, for example. If this is the case, you did not land on the page below. But don't worry, at the top right of your screen there is a drop-down menu, open it and search for your Discord. It is surely on the list. From there, you will be on the right page.

Each Discord role has 5 different values, which you should link to what the role on your server actually is:

Example: if on your server there is the role "Warden" which is a role you give to all Wardens who are not from your regiment/community, then you must identify it as "Warden Diplomat".

  • Officer: they will have access to layer management in the room and will have access to https://stats.wilo-foxhole.com/

  • Member: they have access to the server room (creation, display of layers, etc.)

  • Warden Diplomat: does not give special access but identifies the member as Warden (used by AXEL to spot members with inappropriate / inconsistent roles among all servers)

  • Colonial Diplomat: same as Warden Diplomat but for colonials

  • No special access: for roles that mean nothing (example: @everyone, medals, qrf, etc.)

At the end, your list of roles should look something like this

From now on, an administrator will receive a message and will validate the creation of your room. It is possible that this administrator will join your Discord to make sure everything is properly installed. Here is the list of WILO administrators.


If after a certain period of time your room has not yet been validated, feel free to contact one of the administrators on Discord, the list can be found here. You can directly send them a friend invitation on Discord.

Last updated